Monday, December 5, 2011

You Choose

This semester has been a challange for me I know I havent improved very much and havent been in school that much, but I think that's life and everyone has to go through something.I just have to work harder next semester and set goals for myself .Even though I didnt improved I have learned alot and understand what I need to work on for spring classes.

Readings 9-11

In chapter 9 it talks about upper body lower body conectivity and I know sometimes I forget to put them together so sometimes it can make amove harder and gives it a different look also, hip hiking is also something I do especially when I'm in pase.

Imagery in Dance

Anytime that I have to do a grande jete I like to think of going up and over a hill so I can try to make it look like im going up and over when I jump and I think of a split on the floor so im able to do a split in the air.

Youtube challenge

At first I was watching the dancers with the music they orignially dance to but it got boring to me and I turned down their music and put on my own and it was actually quite intresting and I enjoyed it. When watching the dancers walk and run while transtioning into something else im noticing that their pelivs is getting them there and not stuck in one spot because its forward and not back.

Yeilding,Push,Reach and Pull

I want to say I yeild and push more so then I reach and pull because alot of times I catch myself stoping my movement or noticing that I have more then what I'm giving.

Readings 5-8

Breath brings life and movement and makes you move with more fluidity and ease.That's one thing I notice I don't do when I dance which is breathe. So if i would just breathe when I dance I wont look stiff and things should be easier. In the book it also talks about your core and thats another major thing I need to work on like getting it stronger and also know when my core initiate something which always the hardest for me to do.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dusan Tynek Dance Theatre

The Dusan Tynek Dance Theatre were amazing I enjoyed watching them. It was a diverse cast with amazing talent. The dancers did a lot of walking and running in the dances which was great because sometimes you forget that walking and running is also apart of dance you don't always have to be doing a "dance step". You could see dancers personalities coming through as they were dancing . Partnering wasn't only just done with a girl and a guy but boy boy girl girl and also girls were lifting guys. Also, I realize that for more then half of the show the wings were up and you were able to see the dancers as they left the stage and waited to dance and they were still in character just quietly standing waiting to go back on.It was nice to see this company dance sometimes you get caught up in the big companies and forget that there are small companies just as good.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Parts to whole

I think its great that we are working on upper/lower in class breaking them apart and also moving all together. It gives us practice cause I know sometimes I dont exactly seperate the  arm from the leg when ask so it gives the movement a different look. Also,when we are laying in the x and when we contract I notice im not always starting with my core.

Body Check in

I'm very tired and it's weird because even though i'm not in ensable my body is still worn out especially my feet by the end of modern it's hard to stand on them.Somdays im pretty decent at balancing other days im not.I think im more aware of my alinment and where I need to fix things i just have to keep working on them and being more present and dancing whole body.

Being Present

In class we work on making a solo up for auditions. I wasnt satisified with my performance and the dance in general I need to work on it more especially the choregoraphy . I felt some what rush but only because I'm too picky when making up a dance and it usually takes me weeks to make up a dance .

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Video Combo

articulate for 1,2,3,4 roll thru 5,6,7,8 tendu 1,2,3,4 plie demi straighten 5,6,7,8 en croix.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I think I have grown this sememster  I feel like I am able to pick up combinations faster and understanding modern dance more then what I did last semester and especially from last year. My goals for summer is to continue to take dance classes when I go home and push my self to my full potential . I want to continue dancing in college and gain more confindence in dance so one day I will be able to be a choreoagpher and have my own dance company.


In this picture it looks like the photo was taken while one dancer was in retire but saute and others are jeteing.I like the picture it's pretty different the heads are looking different ways and the shaw makes the picture unique cause it some how connects them all together even though they are all doing something different.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Body Check in

I have my good days in class and I also have my bad days. Once I make a mistake or can't do a step I get really frustrated and I  know I shouldn't cause it only hinders me but I still let it bother me anyway. I feel like I have learned a lot this past year in dance though which is a good thing. Physically im in pain from all these rehearsals and my turf toe but mentally I'm okay. :-)


I need to be more grounded when I'm in modern class. If not some steps may look too "balletish" plus the movements don't have the same effect if I'm too high up. It could also look like I'm marking a combination when I'm not suppose to be which isn't a good thing cause it can tick the teacher off. It's not only in modern but other dance styles that I can apply that too.

weight shift

What caught my eye was the lights on the stage how a circle kept popping up and how the two dancers dance up and down the three circles. The male dancer used his whole body he didn't stop that line cause his feet weren't pointed or his head didn't follow his arms.When the female dancer did the little walks back on demi pointe it showed how strong of a dancer she is. How grounded they got when they did certain movements show their weight shift.

Research Summer Programs

The summer intensive that I have taken interest is Complexions Contemporary Ballet. I think they are pretty close to the style I tend to dance when I have chances to choreograph  plus I'm a big fan of Desmond and Dwight. I love how when you dance their the main rule is no pink tights I hate pink tights I enjoy their music choice and all of their dancers have their own unique style but yet when they dance together it works well. I don't have any documents to prove I have taken interest in the intensive but I did call and for their division 2 and 3 all you have to do is pay 1600 to get a spot in the intensive and on the first day is placement auditions. So I'm hoping to get my money soon seeing that its a first come first serve thing.

How do you learn

  1. Listening learners
  2. Seeing learners
  3. Touch / experience learners
I would have to say that I am in between the seeing learners and touch/ experienced learners. Depending on if i think the combination is fairly easy or hard depends on if i will only have to watch the teacher demonstrate it or if i have to mark or learn it by doing it full out. I tend to want to dance on the left side in front when learning a combination but I notice that every year I change where I like to dance. I'm not exactly sure if counts or analogies or the best learning style for me but dancing the combination over and over again does help.


When it comes to alignment I think the two things I struggle with is my stomach and my butt sticking out. When I dance I sometimes forget to keep "my zipper zip" by using my abs and thinking in and up but never sucking in my stomach and with my butt  I need to not think of tucking my pelvis under but my tail bone lengthening. Applying those analogies will help me turn more and balance longer .

Monica Bill Barnes

I enjoy watching the Monica Bill Barnes Company performance some of the movements they were doing were steps I play around my house doing in front of the mirror or just goofing off with my friends. Their technique was very good but they didn't let their show just be about technique they put humor with in it . So they weren't just doing dance steps they were performing.